Specialists in visual impact, urban design, strategic planning and landscape architecture.

Tree of knowledge

We trust that this information is useful and intend to further build upon this publicly available resource over time.


Published papers by Stacey Brodbeck:

Who cares about scenic values in NSW? New Planner, June 2016

Lake Macquarie Scenic Management Guidelines  New Planner, June 2013


Links to other useful resources*

The following documents & website links provide valuable information, important policies and best practice examples. We endeavour to keep this up to date, yet recommend checking on relevance/revisions/updates with applicable websites. Sometimes documents change locations on websites, so where possible we suggest what to search for in case that happens. 


Beyond the Pavement (2020) - Transport for NSW's (TfNSW's) overarching urban design and policy document (search Transport Standards)

Guideline for Landscape Character & Visual Impact Assessment (2020)TfNSW's Environmental Impact Assessment Practice Note (search full title under Transport Standards)

Guidance Note for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment  (2018) - Qld Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (search Education/Resource Library)

Dark Sky Planning Guideline (2023). NSW government's recently updated guideline.


NSW Land & Environment Court (LEC) relevant policies & caselaw:

Stannards Marine Pty Ltd v North Sydney Council [2022] NSWLEC 99 (refers to preference for 50mm focal length and problems with panoramas) https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/1826cf0a72afd7a730c6fa82

Rose Bay Marina Pty Limited v Woollahra Municipal Council and anor [2013] NSWLEC 1046 (established LEC Planning Principle ‘Impact on public domain views https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/54a639903004de94513da747

Tenacity Consulting v Warringah Council [2004] NSWLEC 140 (established LEC Planning Principle 'Views - general principles’) https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/549f893b3004262463ad0cc6

Photomontage policy - LEC policy (search Practice and Procedure/Policies)



UK Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment - these two UK institutes have produced one of the highest quality set of documents relevant to landscape and visual impact assessment. The overarching document is the  Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd edition). The website also includes free material in terms of webinars and some technical guidance notes, including: Visual Representation of Development Proposals

Landscape character assessment in the United Kingdom - One of the best examples of a long-established process which integrates scenic values into planning policy.

Landscape character assessment Scotland- Another good example of integrating scenic values into planning policy (use 'search' tool)

Guidelines for the Visual Impact Assessment of Highway Projects, US Department of Transportation (2015).

New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects 'te-tangi-a-te-manu' (2022). Landscape Assessment Guidelines for professionals working in resource management.

* Linking Disclaimer - By providing links to other sites, Envisage Consulting Pty Ltd does not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information or products available on these sites nor guarantee their applicability or currency.